- Technologiebewertung und strategische Patentanalyse, Seminar im Wintersemester 2011/12 mit Ingrid Ott
Stand: Oktober 2012
- Impact of local knowledge endowment on employment growth in nanotechnology, mit Schimke, A. und Ott, I., KIT Working Paper Series in Economics, No. 38, 2012.
- Generality of purpose: Linking creativity and technology, mit Ott, I., evoREG Research Note #18, 2011.
- On the role of general purpose technologies within the Marshall-Jacobs controversy: the case of nanotechnologies, mit Ott, I., KIT Working Paper Series in Economics, No. 18, 2011.
- La mesure de l'impact des clusters – quelques éléments de réflexion et de bibliographie, mit Muller, E., Héraud, J.-A., Benaim, M. und Zenker, A., Fraunhofer ISI Working Papers Firms and Region No. R1/2011, 2011.
- Januar 2012: "On the impact of local knowlegde endowment on employment in nanotechnology", DRUID Academy Conference, Cambridge, England.
- November 2011: "On the Impact of Local Knowledge Endowment on Firm Growth in Nanotechnology“, Doctoral Day BETA/KIT, Strasbourg, Frankreich
- Mai 2011: "Die Geographie von Nanotechnologien Querschnittstechnologien als Innovationsmotor“, Junge Talente – Wissenschaft und Musik, Karlsruhe
- März 2011: "On the role of general purpose technologies within the Marshall-Jacobs controversy: the case of nanotechnologies", NanoWinterSchool, Grenoble, Frankreich
- November 2010: "Specialization, Diversification and Creativity in Nanotechnologies", Workshop Managing Decisions in the Era of Creativity, Fraunhofer ISI, Karlsruhe
- Oktober 2010: "The Geography of Nanotechnologies: Specialization vs. Diversification", S.NET 2nd annual conference, Darmstadt
- Juli 2010: "The Geography of Nanotechnologies: Specialization vs. Diversification", DIMETIC European Doctoral School, "Regional and Policy Dimensions of Innovation and Growth", Pécs, Ungarn