The German Network for New Economic Dynamics (GENED) brings together a group of economists who work on the development and application of computational models of economic dynamics based on interacting heterogeneous agents. As demonstrated in the literature, such an approach allows for fruitful new insights into important economic phenomena and policy issues in a wide range of areas. GENED is built on the conviction that the potential of the application of computational heterogeneous agent models for economic analysis is huge and that it is essential to strengthen the community of (in particular young) researchers who are willing and able to incorporate state-of-the-art methods in this area in their research. More about GENED
The Chair in Economic Policy invites you to attend the 5th Meeting of the German Network for New Economic Dynamics.
Important Dates:
May 1st - August 31st, 2017:
Call for Abstract
October 4th-6th, 2017:
5th Meeting of the German Network for New Economic Dynamics at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- Prof. Dr. Robin Cowan will be give a mini course.
Topic of the course:"Networks, Economics and Innovation".
- Further information on the program.
- Please give a binding commitment via E-Mail
The seminar room is located in the Allianz Building (KIT):
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Allianz Building 05.20
Kaiserstraße 89
The seminar room is located in the Allianz Building (Right Entrance), Room 1C-04.
How to reach...
The campus south is located in the city center of Karlsruhe and can easily be reached by public transport. The exact times of departure are available on the website of the Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund. Closest station: "Kronenplatz” (trams no. 1, 4, 5, S1/11, S2, S5/51).
If you have any questions please contact Dr. Ivan Savin
Get an overview of all presentations and practical information about the conference here.
Get an overview of all presentations and practical information about the conference here.
You can find some hotels in the immediate surroundings of KIT.
To register, please write an email to with your name indicating whether you plan to be present on all three days (4, 5 and 6th of October) or only on some of them. If you would like to present your paper, please include the title and a maximum of 1000 words abstract.