Quantitative Methods in Economics
- Type: Seminar
- Chair: Economic Policy
- Semester: Summer Term 2012
Room 103.1
20.14 Kollegium am Schloss - IV -
Introductory Session:
18:00-20:00h on April 23rd, 2012.
Presentations:14th of June, room 004 in the business and economics library
- Lecturer:
- SWS: 2
- ECTS: 3
- Lv-no.: 2560282
Detailed information on the seminar and the specific topics is now available in the seminar announcement.
Registration for the seminar is possible from now on, April 3, under https://studium.wiwi.kit.edu/ until April 11, 11pm.
The presentations are held on the 14th of June in room 004 in the business and economics library.