Chair of Economic Policy to Present Research at 37th ECOS ConferenceChair of Economic Policy to Present Research at 37th ECOS Conference.

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Nikas Scheidt, research assistant at the Chair of Economic Policy will participate in the upcoming 37th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS). As part of the session "Energy Market / Policies", our team will present our latest research on Monday, July 3, 2023.

Our paper titled "Identification of Renewable Energy Trademarks - A Classification Study Using a Support Vector Machine" explores the use of trademarks as a complementary source of information to patent applications to better capture renewable energy innovations. We use a support vector machine (SVM) algorithm to classify trademarks in the renewable energy sector. The results show that machine learning can be effectively used to identify trademarks and open new perspectives for evaluating innovation in the renewable energy sector.