
M. Sc. Menna Ghoniem

  • KIT Campus Süd
    Geb. 01.87 - 5. OG
    Rüppurrer Str. 1a, Haus B
    76137 Karlsruhe


Menna Ghoneim’s research is focusing on two interwoven research scopes which are Economic Innovation & Transformation and Sustainability & Economic Responsibility. Innovation processes influence different segments of the economic system; It is lucid that the locus of innovation diffusion, in the digital era, is in global networks. Therefore, her research is guided by these crosscutting investigating questions: How can these innovation systems (which encompass a plethora of economic actors) be monitored?

What are the challenges of these disruptive markets and how do they impact sustainability, in the context of cooperative economy and common good?

In this research area, she is concerned with how the sphere of disruptive digital innovation diffusion has been affected by the demand side’s acceptance. She interrogates the transition phases of innovation co-diffusion to identify long-run and short-run diffusion rates, in addition to investigating the interdependence between the demand side and supply side in the co-diffusion process, which is critical in digitalizing the economy. Furthermore, she is tackling the implications of the ethical digital nudging on the co-diffusion process and the guidance towards economically efficient and socially responsible consumption/production outcomes.

Menna completed a bachelor’s degree majoring in Economics and minoring in Business administration with high honors at the American University of Cairo in 2013. Afterwards, she worked as a corporate financial analyst. Then, she obtained the academic degree of Master of Economics at the University of Hohenheim 2020.  Menna worked as a scientific researcher at the corporate finance department at the university of Mannheim.

Menna joined the Chair of Economic policy in April 2024 and assists in the Real-World Lab Robotics Artificial Intelligence project.

Research Interest:

  • Innovation Economics, Patents

  • Sustainability, Responsible Economy

  • Structural transformation of consumption and production patterns in the  innovation systems

  • Economic Development

Curriculum Vitae:

  • Since 2024: PhD student and research assistant at the Chair of Economic Policy, Institute of Economics (ECON), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

  • Jan 2023-April 2023: Scientific Researcher, University of Mannheim, Germany

  • 2017-2020: Master of Science Economics, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

  • 2013-2015: Corporate Financial Analyst at a Real Estate Company, Cairo, Egypt

  • 2008-2013: Bachelor of Science Economics, The American University in Cairo, Egypt

Extra-Curricular Activities:

  • 2011-2012: Teaching assistant, Economics Department, The American University in Cairo (AUC)

  • 2009-2010: Academic Planner, Academics Committee, Student Union (SU), AUC

  • 2008-2011: Fundraiser & Public Relations (PR), Volunteers in Action Club, AUC