Prof. Ott will give a presentation titled "Verborgene Brücken zwischen Robotik/KI und Reallaboren – Erkenntnisse einer quantitativen Textanalyse von 3.800 Medienartikeln" at 17:00-18:00 o'clock on 03.07.2024 at the Real:labor Festival.
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South Africa, though more advanced than most African nations, faces disappointing development compared to OECD countries. With the highest global income inequality, over 30% unemployment, and a life expectancy of 60 years, its struggles are evident. The ANC lost its majority for the first time since apartheid, underscoring the urgency of issues like unemployment and corruption. Education, still influenced by apartheid, is crucial for progress. This workshop will examine the academia-society connection in South Africa, exploring how educational transformations and science governance can drive socio-economic development and foster active citizenship.
For more information click here.

Our research assistant Resul Zoroğlu received a scholarship from Deutschlandstiftung Integration. The GEH DEINEN WEG scholarship is a support program for talented young people with a migrant background. On October 23 and 24, 2023, Resul attended the opening event for the new scholars in Berlin. On the second day, the scholars were guests at Bellevue Palace and were received by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. - Congratulations Resul!
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Our research assistant Narek Mirzoyan visited the University of Toronto, Canada, and the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA, in October 2023. Narek spent the first two weeks at the Canadian Centre of Health Economics and the Department of Economics at the University of Toronto. Afterwards, he was hosted by the Department of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and also visited their Departments of Political Economy and Resource Economics. At both universities, he presented his current research on “The German Diesel Ban Policy and its Impact on NO_2 Emissions” and received valuable feedback. He connected with professors, scientists and PhD students and enjoyed discussing a wide range of research topics. In particular, he discussed potential research collaborations in the fields of climate change and technology development.
The trip to the University of Toronto was funded by the Networking Grant at KIT. The trip to the University of Massachusetts Amherst was funded by the University of Hohenheim.

The Chair of Economic Policy is looking for committed students to act as tutors for the lecture VWL II - Macroeconomics for the summer semester 2024.
Are you interested? Then please apply with a short letter of motivation, your CV and current grades by e-mail to Nikas Scheidt.
For more information, please see the job posting (in German).
Applications are processed on an ongoing basis until all positions are filled.

The Chair of Economic Policy will participate in the upcoming KIT Science Week conference on "Transforming towards a sustainable society - challenges and solutions". We will present our research during the plenary session on Governance and Economy, scheduled for Friday, the 13th October, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. Our research paper, "International Institutions and Technological Innovations: Drivers of Renewable Energy Deployment", delves into the correlation between membership in international environmental agreements and the issuance of renewable energy technology patents. This analysis sheds light on the potential to increase the share of renewable energy in electricity generation and provides valuable insights into effective strategies for advancing global energy transitions. We find that both, international environmental agreements and new renewable energy technology patents drive the deployment of renewable electricity generation OECD and non-OECD countries.

The annual conference of the Committee for Regional Theory and Policy of the Vereins für Socialpolitik will take place at KIT on October 12-13, 2023. We are looking forward to exciting talks and discussions with regional economic references on the topics of City Formation, Political Economy, and New Work.
Program (PDF)
We congratulate Fenja Scheu on successfully completing her PhD program, a cooperation between KIT and the University of Strasbourg, France. She earned two doctoral degrees: Dr. rer. pol. from the KIT Department of Economics and Management and Docteur de la Discipline Science Economiques from the University of Strasbourg, France. The topic of her thesis was “Trademarks and Textual Data – a Broader Perspective on Innovation”. — Congratulations Fenja!

On June 1, 2023, our research associate, Resul Zoroğlu, visited the Federal Chancellery in Berlin, where he met with Mr. Wolfgang Schmidt, the Head of the Federal Chancellery. The meeting was organized by the Deutschland-Stiftung Integration, a German foundation that provides funding and support for students with a migrant background.
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Nikas Scheidt spent two weeks in September 2022 at the Centre for Development Studies and the Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation in India. As India experiences rapid population and economic growth, she is a key country for sustainable development. Nikas visited Prof. Sunil Mani and Prof. K. J. Joseph, the experts for technological transformation in India, exchanged ideas with them and their students and shared his research on the role of technology and international institutions for sustainable development.
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We express our warm welcome to Jonathan Völkle. Jonathan has already been working at the Chair for several years during his mathematics course and excelled in all tasks related to programming. We are excited that we could win him as a member of the academic staff and future PhD student.

We are looking for two student assistants with immediate effect. Are you interested? Then apply with a short letter of motivation, CV and current transcript of grades by email to Ramona Bodemer. Sounds exciting so far, but you're not sure or still have questions? Then please contact Resul Zoroğlu.
Job listing
The Chair in Economic Policy (KIT) and the Faculty of Economics and Management of University of Strasbourg (BETA) jointly organize the International Seminar in Economic Policy: Dashboard development project in German-French teams. In this seminar, interdisciplinary teams of students from both universities work to develop a dashboard that addresses a specific aspect of the knowledge economy. Registrations for the seminar are open until October 9 th , 23:55 and may be done via the WIWI-Portal.

Ms. Loewe holds degrees in mathematics and theoretical linguistics and came to us from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She joined our team in August 2022 and works on global public goods and the impact of service robots.